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Baseball Sim Research
Miscellaneous data that I generate for my own replays will be shared here.

1966 Multi-Team Players
1966 Abernathy, Theodore Wade (Ted) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 Atlanta Braves NL
1966 Adair, Kenneth Jerry (Jerry) 1 Baltimore Orioles AL
    2 Chicago White Sox AL
1966 Arrigo, Gerald William (Gerry) 1 Cincinnati Reds NL
    2 New York Mets NL
1966 Blasingame, Don Lee (Don) 1 Washington Senators AL
    2 Kansas City Athletics AL
1966 Bryan, William Ronald (Billy) 1 Kansas City Athletics AL
    2 New York Yankees AL
1966 Buhl, Robert Ray (Bob) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 Philadelphia Phillies NL
1966 Cater, Danny Anderson (Danny) 1 Chicago White Sox AL
    2 Kansas City Athletics AL
1966 Causey, James Wayne (Wayne) 1 Kansas City Athletics AL
    2 Chicago White Sox AL
1966 Cepeda, Orlando Manuel (Orlando) 1 San Francisco Giants NL
    2 St. Louis Cardinals NL
1966 Cline, Tyrone Alexander (Ty) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 Atlanta Braves NL
1966 Covington, John Wesley (Wes) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 Los Angeles Dodgers NL
1966 Demeter, Donald Lee (Don) 1 Detroit Tigers AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1966 Duckworth, James Raymond (Jim) 1 Washington Senators AL
    2 Kansas City Athletics AL
1966 Fischer, Henry William (Hank) 1 Atlanta Braves NL
    2 Cincinnati Reds NL
    3 Boston Red Sox AL
1966 Fisher, Eddie Gene (Eddie) 1 Chicago White Sox AL
    2 Baltimore Orioles AL
1966 Fox, Terrence Edward (Terry) 1 Detroit Tigers AL
    2 Philadelphia Phillies NL
1966 Freese, Eugene Lewis (Gene) 1 Chicago White Sox AL
    2 Houston Astros NL
1966 Friend, Robert Bartmess (Bob) 1 New York Yankees AL
    2 New York Mets NL
1966 Gentile, James Edward (Jim) 1 Houston Astros NL
    2 Cleveland Indians AL
1966 Gosger, James Charles (Jim) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 Kansas City Athletics AL
1966 Grilli, Guido John (Guido) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 Kansas City Athletics AL
1966 Harrelson, Kenneth Smith (Ken) 1 Kansas City Athletics AL
    2 Washington Senators AL
1966 Herrnstein, John Ellett (John) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
    3 Atlanta Braves NL
1966 Hoeft, William Frederick (Billy) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 San Francisco Giants NL
1966 Jackson, Lawrence Curtis (Larry) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 Philadelphia Phillies NL
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com
1966 Multi-Team Players
1966 Jay, Joseph Richard (Joey) 1 Cincinnati Reds NL
    2 Atlanta Braves NL
1966 Jenkins, Ferguson Arthur (Fergie) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
1966 Keough, Richard Martin (Marty) 1 Atlanta Braves NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
1966 Kuenn, Harvey Edward (Harvey) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 Philadelphia Phillies NL
1966 Lee, Donald Edward (Don) 1 Houston Astros NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
1966 McMahon, Donald John (Don) 1 Cleveland Indians AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1966 Monteagudo, Aurelio Faustino (Aurelio) 1 Kansas City Athletics AL
    2 Houston Astros NL
1966 Nossek, Joseph Rudolph (Joe) 1 Minnesota Twins AL
    2 Kansas City Athletics AL
1966 O'Dell, William Oliver (Billy) 1 Atlanta Braves NL
    2 Pittsburgh Pirates NL
1966 Phillips, Adolfo Emilio (Adolfo) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
1966 Podres, John Joseph (Johnny) 1 Los Angeles Dodgers NL
    2 Detroit Tigers AL
1966 Radatz, Richard Raymond (Dick) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 Cleveland Indians AL
1966 Reed, Howard Dean (Howie) 1 Los Angeles Dodgers NL
    2 California Angels AL
1966 Repoz, Roger Allen (Roger) 1 New York Yankees AL
    2 Kansas City Athletics AL
1966 Roberts, Robin Evan (Robin) 1 Houston Astros NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
1966 Roggenburk, Garry Earl (Garry) 1 Minnesota Twins AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1966 Sadecki, Raymond Michael (Ray) 1 St. Louis Cardinals NL
    2 San Francisco Giants NL
1966 Sanders, Kenneth George (Ken) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 Kansas City Athletics AL
1966 Schofield, John Richard (Dick) 1 San Francisco Giants NL
    2 New York Yankees AL
    3 Los Angeles Dodgers NL
1966 Schwall, Donald Bernard (Don) 1 Pittsburgh Pirates NL
    2 Atlanta Braves NL
1966 Shaw, Robert John (Bob) 1 San Francisco Giants NL
    2 New York Mets NL
1966 Sheldon, Roland Frank (Rollie) 1 Kansas City Athletics AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1966 Short, William Ross (Bill) 1 Baltimore Orioles AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1966 Simmons, Curtis Thomas (Curt) 1 St. Louis Cardinals NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
1966 Stange, Albert Lee (Lee) 1 Cleveland Indians AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com
1966 Multi-Team Players
1966 Stuart, Richard Lee (Dick) 1 New York Mets NL
    2 Los Angeles Dodgers NL
1966 Talbot, Frederick Lealand (Fred) 1 Kansas City Athletics AL
    2 New York Yankees AL
1966 Tartabull, Jose Milages (Jose) 1 Kansas City Athletics AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1966 Terry, Ralph Willard (Ralph) 1 Kansas City Athletics AL
    2 New York Mets NL
1966 Thomas, James Leroy (Lee) 1 Atlanta Braves NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
1966 Wilson, Earl Lawrence (Earl) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 Detroit Tigers AL
1966 Wyatt, John (John) 1 Kansas City Athletics AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com.