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Baseball Sim Research
Miscellaneous data that I generate for my own replays will be shared here.

1926 Multi-Team Players
1926 Alexander, Grover Cleveland (Pete) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 St. Louis Cardinals NL
1926 Bentley, John Needles (Jack) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 New York Giants NL
1926 Bohne, Samuel Arthur (Sam) 1 Cincinnati Reds NL
    2 Brooklyn Robins NL
1926 Bush, Leslie Ambrose (Bullet Joe) 1 Washington Senators AL
    2 Pittsburgh Pirates NL
1926 Carey, Max George (Max) 1 Pittsburgh Pirates NL
    2 Brooklyn Robins NL
1926 Carlyle, Roy Edward (Roy) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 New York Yankees AL
1926 Cooper, Arley Wilbur (Wilbur) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 Detroit Tigers AL
1926 Ehmke, Howard Jonathan (Howard) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 Philadelphia Athletics AL
1926 Harriss, William Jennings Bryan (Slim) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1926 Heimach, Frederick Amos (Fred) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1926 Huntzinger, Walter Henry (Walt) 1 St. Louis Cardinals NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
1926 Jacobson, William Chester (Baby Doll) 1 St. Louis Browns AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1926 Jenkins, Thomas Griffith (Tom) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 Philadelphia Athletics AL
1926 Johnston, James Harle (Jimmy) 1 Boston Braves NL
    2 New York Giants NL
1926 Miller, Edmund John (Bing) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AL
    2 St. Louis Browns AL
1926 Moore, Graham Edward (Eddie) 1 Pittsburgh Pirates NL
    2 Boston Braves NL
1926 Mueller, Clarence Francis (Heinie) 1 St. Louis Cardinals NL
    2 New York Giants NL
1926 Nehf, Arthur Neukom (Art) 1 New York Giants NL
    2 Cincinnati Reds NL
1926 Ruether, Walter Henry (Dutch) 1 Washington Senators AL
    2 New York Yankees AL
1926 Scott, Lewis Everett (Everett) 1 Chicago White Sox AL
    2 Cincinnati Reds NL
1926 Severeid, Henry Levai (Hank) 1 Washington Senators AL
    2 New York Yankees AL
1926 Smith, Jack (Jack) 1 St. Louis Cardinals NL
    2 Boston Braves NL
1926 Southworth, William Harold (Billy) 1 New York Giants NL
    2 St. Louis Cardinals NL
1926 Tobin, John Thomas (Jack) 1 Washington Senators AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com.