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Baseball Sim Research
Miscellaneous data that I generate for my own replays will be shared here.

1922 Multi-Team Players
1922 Courtney, Henry Seymour (Harry) 1 Washington Senators AL
    2 Chicago White Sox AL
1922 Dugan, Joseph Anthony (Joe) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 New York Yankees AL
1922 Fewster, Wilson Lloyd (Chick) 1 New York Yankees AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1922 Flack, Max John (Max) 1 Chicago Cubs NL
    2 St. Louis Cardinals NL
1922 Foster, Edward Cunningham (Eddie) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 St. Louis Browns AL
1922 Hammond, Walter Charles (Jack) 1 Cleveland Indians AL
    2 Pittsburgh Pirates NL
1922 Heathcote, Clifton Earl (Cliff) 1 St. Louis Cardinals NL
    2 Chicago Cubs NL
1922 King, Edward Lee (Lee) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 New York Giants NL
1922 McQuillan, Alvin Hugh (Hugh) 1 Boston Braves NL
    2 New York Giants NL
1922 Miller, Elmer (Elmer) 1 New York Yankees AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1922 Mitchell, John Franklin (Johnny) 1 New York Yankees AL
    2 Boston Red Sox AL
1922 Mokan, John Leo (Johnny) 1 Pittsburgh Pirates NL
    2 Philadelphia Phillies NL
1922 Moore, Roy Daniel (Roy) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AL
    2 Detroit Tigers AL
1922 Scott, John William (Jack) 1 Cincinnati Reds NL
    2 New York Giants NL
1922 Smith, Elmer John (Elmer) 1 Boston Red Sox AL
    2 New York Yankees AL
1922 Smith, Sherrod Malone (Sherry) 1 Brooklyn Robins NL
    2 Cleveland Indians AL
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com.