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Baseball Sim Research
Miscellaneous data that I generate for my own replays will be shared here.

1890 Multi-Team Players
1890 Anderson, David S. (Dave) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Baldwin, Clarence Geoghan (Kid) 1 Cincinnati Reds NL
    2 Philadelphia Athletics AA
1890 Baldwin, Charles B. (Lady) 1 Brooklyn Bridegrooms NL
    2 Buffalo Bisons PL
1890 Bligh, Edwin Forrest (Ned) 1 Columbus Solons AA
    2 Louisville Colonels AA
1890 Bowman, Sumner Sallade (Sumner) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Burke, Daniel L. (Dan) 1 Rochester Broncos AA
    2 Syracuse Stars AA
1890 Burke, Edward D. (Eddie) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Carney, John Joseph (Jack) 1 Buffalo Bisons PL
    2 Cleveland Infants PL
1890 Chamberlain, Elton P. (Ice Box) 1 St. Louis Browns AA
    2 Columbus Solons AA
1890 Crane, Samuel Newhall (Sam) 1 New York Giants NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
    3 New York Giants NL
1890 Cunningham, Elmer Ellsworth (Bert) 1 Philadelphia Athletics PL
    2 Buffalo Bisons PL
1890 Daily, Edward M. (Ed) 1 Brooklyn Gladiators AA
    2 New York Giants NL
    3 Louisville Colonels AA
1890 Davis, James J. (Jumbo) 1 St. Louis Browns AA
    2 Brooklyn Gladiators AA
1890 Day, William J. (Bill) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Decker, Earle Harry (Harry) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Doe, Alfred George (Fred) 1 Buffalo Bisons PL
    2 Pittsburgh Burghers PL
1890 Donovan, Patrick Joseph (Patsy) 1 Boston Beaneaters NL
    2 Brooklyn Bridegrooms NL
1890 Dunlap, Frederick C. (Fred) 1 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
    2 New York Giants PL
1890 Easterday, Henry Propert (Henry) 1 Columbus Solons AA
    2 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    3 Louisville Colonels AA
1890 Esper, Charles H. (Duke) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
    3 Philadelphia Phillies NL
1890 Ford, Thomas Walter (Tom) 1 Columbus Solons AA
    2 Brooklyn Gladiators AA
1890 Gerhardt, John Joseph (Joe) 1 Brooklyn Gladiators AA
    2 St. Louis Browns AA
1890 Gibson, Robert Murray (Robert) 1 Chicago Colts NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Gray, James W. (Jim) 1 Pittsburgh Burghers PL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Hemming, George Earl (George) 1 Cleveland Infants PL
    2 Brooklyn Ward's Wonders PL
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com
1890 Multi-Team Players
1890 Hemp, William H. (Ducky) 1 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
    2 Syracuse Stars AA
1890 Higgins, William Edward (Bill) 1 St. Louis Browns AA
    2 Syracuse Stars AA
1890 Hines, Paul Aloysius (Paul) 1 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
    2 Boston Beaneaters NL
1890 Hughes, Michael F. (Mickey) 1 Brooklyn Bridegrooms NL
    2 Philadelphia Athletics AA
1890 Johnston, Richard Frederick (Dick) 1 Boston Reds PL
    2 New York Giants PL
1890 Latham, Walter Arlington (Arlie) 1 Chicago Pirates PL
    2 Cincinnati Reds NL
1890 Lawson, Alfred William (Al) 1 Boston Beaneaters NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Lincoln, Ezra Perry (Ezra) 1 Cleveland Spiders NL
    2 Syracuse Stars AA
1890 Lytle, Edward Benson (Dad) 1 Chicago Colts NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 McCullough, Charles F. (Charlie) 1 Brooklyn Gladiators AA
    2 Syracuse Stars AA
1890 McMahon, John Joseph (Sadie) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1890 Morrison, Michael (Mike) 1 Syracuse Stars AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1890 Munyan, John Baird (John) 1 Columbus Solons AA
    2 St. Louis Browns AA
1890 Murphy, Robert J. (Bob) 1 New York Giants NL
    2 Brooklyn Gladiators AA
1890 O'Neil, Edward J. (Ed) 1 Toledo Maumees AA
    2 Philadelphia Athletics AA
1890 O'Rourke, Thomas Joseph (Tom) 1 New York Giants NL
    2 Syracuse Stars AA
1890 Pabst, Edward D. A. (Ed) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    2 St. Louis Browns AA
1890 Peltz, John (John) 1 Brooklyn Gladiators AA
    2 Syracuse Stars AA
    3 Toledo Maumees AA
1890 Pitz, Herman (Herman) 1 Brooklyn Gladiators AA
    2 Syracuse Stars AA
1890 Robinson, Wilbert (Wilbert) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1890 Roseman, James John (Chief) 1 St. Louis Browns AA
    2 Louisville Colonels AA
1890 Shannon, Daniel Webster (Dan) 1 Philadelphia Athletics PL
    2 New York Giants PL
1890 Simon, Henry Joseph (Hank) 1 Brooklyn Gladiators AA
    2 Syracuse Stars AA
1890 Smith, John Francis (Phenomenal) 1 Philadelphia Phillies NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Sneed, John Law (John) 1 Toledo Maumees AA
    2 Columbus Solons AA
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com
1890 Multi-Team Players
1890 Sommer, Joseph John (Joe) 1 Cleveland Spiders NL
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1890 Sommers, John Andrew (Andy) 1 New York Giants NL
    2 Cleveland Spiders NL
1890 Sunday, William Ashley (Billy) 1 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
    2 Philadelphia Phillies NL
1890 Sweeney, Peter Jay (Pete) 1 St. Louis Browns AA
    2 Louisville Colonels AA
    3 Philadelphia Athletics AA
1890 Twitchell, Lawrence Grant (Larry) 1 Cleveland Infants PL
    2 Buffalo Bisons PL
1890 Veach, William Walter (Peek-A-Boo) 1 Cleveland Spiders NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1890 Viau, Leon A. (Lee) 1 Cincinnati Reds NL
    2 Cleveland Spiders NL
1890 Welch, Curtis Benton (Curt) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1890 Wright, William Smith (Rasty) 1 Syracuse Stars AA
    2 Cleveland Spiders NL
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com.