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Baseball Sim Research
Miscellaneous data that I generate for my own replays will be shared here.

1889 Multi-Team Players
1889 Andrews, George Edward (Ed) 1 Philadelphia Quakers NL
    2 Indianapolis Hoosiers NL
1889 Davis, James J. (Jumbo) 1 Kansas City Cowboys AA
    2 St. Louis Browns AA
1889 George, William M. (Bill) 1 New York Giants NL
    2 Columbus Solons AA
1889 Healy, John J. (Egyptian) 1 Washington Nationals NL
    2 Chicago White Stockings NL
1889 Irwin, Arthur Albert (Arthur) 1 Philadelphia Quakers NL
    2 Washington Nationals NL
1889 Kerins, John Nelson (John) 1 Louisville Colonels AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1889 Krock, August H. (Gus) 1 Chicago White Stockings NL
    2 Indianapolis Hoosiers NL
    3 Washington Nationals NL
1889 Mattimore, Michael Joseph (Mike) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    2 Kansas City Cowboys AA
1889 McGarr, James B. (Chippy) 1 Kansas City Cowboys AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1889 Myers, James Albert (Al) 1 Washington Nationals NL
    2 Philadelphia Quakers NL
1889 O'Day, Henry M. (Hank) 1 Washington Nationals NL
    2 New York Giants NL
1889 Ramsey, Thomas H. (Toad) 1 Louisville Colonels AA
    2 St. Louis Browns AA
1889 Ray, Irving Burton (Irv) 1 Boston Beaneaters NL
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1889 Reynolds, Charles Lawrence (Charlie) 1 Kansas City Cowboys AA
    2 Brooklyn Bridegrooms AA
1889 Smith, Charles Marvin (Pop) 1 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
    2 Boston Beaneaters NL
1889 Sommers, John Andrew (Andy) 1 Chicago White Stockings NL
    2 Indianapolis Hoosiers NL
1889 Sowders, William Jefferson (Bill) 1 Boston Beaneaters NL
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys NL
1889 Sweeney, Peter Jay (Pete) 1 Washington Nationals NL
    2 St. Louis Browns AA
1889 Wood, George Albert (George) 1 Philadelphia Quakers NL
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com.