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Baseball Sim Research
Miscellaneous data that I generate for my own replays will be shared here.

1882 Multi-Team Players
1882 Booth, Amos Smith (Amos) 1 Baltimore Orioles AA
    2 Louisville Eclipse AA
1882 Critchley, Morris Arthur (Morrie) 1 Pittsburg Alleghenys AA
    2 St. Louis Brown Stockings AA
1882 Crotty, Joseph P. (Joe) 1 Louisville Eclipse AA
    2 St. Louis Brown Stockings AA
1882 Kemmler, Rudolph (Rudy) 1 Cincinnati Red Stockings AA
    2 Pittsburg Alleghenys AA
1882 Landis, Samuel H. (Doc) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1882 Leary, John J. (Jack) 1 Pittsburg Alleghenys AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1882 Luff, Henry T. (Henry) 1 Detroit Wolverines NL
    2 Cincinnati Red Stockings AA
1882 Mann, Fred J. (Fred) 1 Worcester Ruby Legs NL
    2 Philadelphia Athletics AA
1882 McCaffery, Harry Charles (Harry) 1 St. Louis Brown Stockings AA
    2 Louisville Eclipse AA
1882 Merrill, Edward Mason (Ed) 1 Louisville Eclipse AA
    2 Worcester Ruby Legs NL
1882 Morton, Charles Hazen (Charlie) 1 Pittsburg Alleghenys AA
    2 St. Louis Brown Stockings AA
1882 Mountain, Frank Henry (Frank) 1 Worcester Ruby Legs NL
    2 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    3 Worcester Ruby Legs NL
1882 Pierce, Grayson S. (Gracie) 1 Louisville Eclipse AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1882 Richmond, John H. (John) 1 Cleveland Blues NL
    2 Philadelphia Athletics AA
1882 Say, James I. (Jimmy) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    2 Louisville Eclipse AA
1882 Smiley, William B. (Bill) 1 St. Louis Brown Stockings AA
    2 Baltimore Orioles AA
1882 Smith, John Joseph (John) 1 Troy Trojans NL
    2 Worcester Ruby Legs NL
1882 Smith, Charles Marvin (Pop) 1 Philadelphia Athletics AA
    2 Louisville Eclipse AA
1882 Troy, John Joseph (Dasher) 1 Detroit Wolverines NL
    2 Providence Grays NL
1882 Whitney, Arthur Wilson (Art) 1 Providence Grays NL
    2 Detroit Wolverines NL
1882 Willigrod, Julius (Julius) 1 Detroit Wolverines NL
    2 Cleveland Blues NL
Downloaded from www.baseballsimresearch.com.